Our Values


Because we believe that responsible decision-making results from actions based on transparency and integrity. With our actions, we aim to build trust. We reconcile the needs of our partners with our own goals, we honor our agreements and we execute them to the best of our ability.


Because we are experts in our trade with significant relevant experience. In addition, for each investment, we are also supported by a tailor-made selection of professionals with relevant tested industry knowledge (some of whom may be retained, but not employed by us). We constantly monitor our investment environment for risks and opportunities to seek options for better solutions. We further benefit from quick and efficient decision-making processes. 


Because we treat our business partners and counterparties in an open-minded, honest, and respectful way. Our negotiations are hard, but fair, based on integrity and trust. We expect the same from our business partners and counterparties. 


Because, while we are not adverse to appropriately marketing our unique value proposition, we at the same time attach great value to mutual discretion and keeping a low profile throughout the life cycle of our Investments. 

Our Name and Logo

In the North American Sioux Lakota language the word “Tanka” means “great” and features as such in the Sioux Lakota Indian belief in “Wakan Tanka”, the “great spirit” or the “great incomprehensibility”.[mfn]Sioux Indian Religion: Tradition and Innovation, edited by Raymond J. DeMallie, Douglas R. Parks. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989[/mfn] Wakan designates the life-giving forces of the universe and the basis of its unity. Embodying existence as a whole, Wakan Tanka represents the totality of these forces.

Our logo is inspired by light, seen from its source, traveling infinitely at the absolute speed of the universe. The colors represent different wavelengths. One way of harnessing this is by optic equipment connecting points of optic fiber networks, which have themselves become the indispensable highways of cyberspace. Light means waves, particles, electromagnetic radiation, energy, wellness, and life, all recurring subjects in our quest for the most promising, innovative ideas.

About Tanka Ventures

Tanka Ventures BV is a closed company with limited liability (besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid or BV) registered with the Chamber of Commerce (kamer van koophandel or KvK) with number 78350786. Our registered office is at Millennium Tower, Radarweg 29a/b, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands. We trade under the trading name Tanka Ventures.