Data Protection


In the course of our engagement with you, we will receive information relating to you, your employees, and your associates (“personal information”).

Personal information includes:

  • contact details and other personal data necessary in the context of an engagement letter we entered with you;
  • contact details provided at business development meetings, introductions, seminars, and other events;
  • personal data made available through public sources or that have been obtained from the Trade Register’s Chamber of Commerce and from the land register;
  • personal data in relation to a job application, such as your contact details, date of birth, nationality, marital status, and other information mentioned in or at your application.

For purposes of this Data Protection Statement contact details are understood to include: (i) your first and last name, (ii) your telephone number, (iii) your email address, (iv) your social service or security number, (v) your gender, (vi) your nationality, and (vii) your address.

This statement sets out the purposes for which personal information will be processed and the way it will be treated by Tanka Ventures BV (the “Firm”).

About Tanka Ventures BV

Tanka Ventures BV is the data controller.  It is a closed limited liability company (besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid or BV) registered with the Chamber of Commerce (kamer van koophandel or KvK) of Amsterdam with KvK number 78350786, RSIN 861360709 and establishment number (vestigingsnummer) 45985944. The registered office is at Millennium Tower, Radarweg 29a/b, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

If you have any complaints about the data controller, you have the right to raise these with the Dutch national regulator, the Authority for Personal Data (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens)

How the Firm Will Use Personal Information

Where we request personal information to identify you for compliance with Dutch General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming), we shall process such information only for the purposes of complying with those regulations, or as otherwise set out in this statement or permitted by law including the GDPR.

We shall use personal information and share it with our partners, staff, and consultants for the purpose of fulfilling our obligations under the engagement letter with you.  We shall also use and disclose personal information so far as required to carry out any instructions we receive from you under the engagement letter.

We may use personal information to notify you about important developments and services which we think you may find valuable, for sending you newsletters, invitations to seminars, and similar marketing.  We may contact you by post, email, telephone, or SMS.  You can tell us if you do not want to receive this information by writing to us at Millennium Tower, Radarweg 29 a/b, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands, or by email to

Where We Process personal Information For You

We may process personal information for you when we provide services to you under the engagement letter with you.  We would then be acting as a “data processor” for the purposes of the GDPR. Where we act as your data processor we shall process personal information solely for the purpose of providing services to you or otherwise in accordance with your instructions; we shall have in place technical and organisational security measures which shall be of a standard generally observed in the sector we operate in, including measures which guard against unauthorized or unlawful access to, or alteration, disclosure or destruction of personal information and against accidental loss or destruction of or damage to personal information.

You confirm that you are authorised to provide us the personal information which we shall process on your behalf.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Save as described in this statement, personal information will be retained by us and will not be sold, transferred or otherwise disclosed to any third party unless such disclosure is required by law or court order.  We will retain data in line with our legal obligations.  Data obtained from you for our compliance with Dutch anti-money laundering regulations will be retained for a period of five years following the termination of our business relationship.  All other personal data will be retained for a period of seven years following the termination of our business relationship.

In the event that personal information is sent abroad, it will be verified that there are sufficient guarantees that the data is protected. Within the European Union, the level of data protection between member states is uniform. Therefore, whenever personal data is transferred to an organization within the EU (and the EEA), it suffices that the concerned organisation meets the requirements of the GDPR. There are different rules for the transfer of personal information to countries outside of the EU. The principle rule applied by us is that personal information may only be sent to countries that apply an adequate level of protection.

Your Rights

Under the GDPR, you are entitled to request a copy of the information we hold about you and if the details are inaccurate, you may request that we amend them. You further have the right to the erasure of the personal data we hold on you or to restrict or object to the processing of the personal data.  You have the additional right to data portability. This means that you can submit a request to us to send your personal data processed by us in a computer file to you or to another organization, identified by you. Where you have consented to us processing your personal data, you have the right to withdraw consent at any time.  You should exercise these rights by writing to us at Millennium Tower Radarweg 29a/b, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands, or by email to

We charge a fee for responding to such requests in line with the GDPR.

Changes to This Statement

We may unilaterally change this statement from time to time and the current version will always be available from us in hard copy and on our website.